
Schellenberg Wittmer Celebrates International Earth Day 2021


In celebration of International Earth Day 2021 and the firm's 20 year anniversary, Schellenberg Wittmer is pleased to report of its carbon reduction initiative launched in 2020, partnering with MyClimate.

Since then, Schellenberg Wittmer has calculated its carbon footprint and appointed a group of staff members and partners to identify opportunities to reduce the firm's carbon footprint. Initiatives already in place or coming up soon include:

  • As of May 2021, Schellenberg Wittmer will provide employees in Geneva with e-bikes and additional bike parking and fixing stations, in Zurich a brand-new bike parking has been inaugurated in March.
  • The firm will join the bike to work challenge with teams in Zurich and Geneva.
  • For its usage of carbonated drinking water in the Geneva office, Brita fountains have been installed across the office, with personalized re-usable bottles provided to all employees to replace the use of disposable water bottles. In Zurich, the firm is working with Valser water, a brand that uses reusable glass bottles, the water is sourced from the region and the Co2 used for carbonating the water is taken naturally from the atmosphere.

The firm is actively looking into other initiatives that will help to reduce its carbon footprint.

International Earth Day is the largest annual environmental event worldwide bringing people together in the joint objective of diversifying, educating and activating the environmental movement worldwide. The aim of Earth Day is to drive a year of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to create a new plan of action for our planet.


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