Awards & Auszeichnungen

Schellenberg Wittmer International Arbitration team 2021 role updates in the SCAI and CIArb YMG


Schellenberg Wittmer is very pleased to announce that Philippe Bärtsch and Sebastiano Nessi have been appointed prominent governing roles within leading arbitration institutitions - the Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution (SCAI) and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators' Young Members Group (CIArb YMG).

In January 2021, Vice Chair of Schellenberg Wittmer's arbitration practice Philippe Bärtsch was promoted to the Arbitration Court Special Committee of the SCAI, following being a member of the Court since 2014.

Christopher Boog – other Vice Chair of Schellenberg Wittmer's arbitration practice has been a Vice President of the SCAI Arbitration Court, since June 2019, after having served as a member of the Court since 2016.

In January 2021, Sebastiano Nessi was appointed Vice-Chair of the London-headquartered Chartered Institute of Arbitrators' Young Members Group (CIArb YMG) Global Steering Committee. This follows Sebastiano serving a two-year term mandate as a member of the CIArb YMG Global Steering Committee.

About the The Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution (SCAI): The Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lucerne (Central Switzerland), Lugano, Neuchâtel and Zurich established the Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution as a means of dispute resolution based on the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration and the Swiss Rules of Mediation. For more information, please visit the Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institutions’ website.

About the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators' (CIArb): The CIArb is a UK Royal Charter body and charity established in 1915. It is the world’s leading professional organisation for promoting the settlement of disputes by arbitration, mediation and other private dispute resolution methods. It has over 16,000 members located across 149 countries supporting the global promotion, facilitation and development of all forms of private dispute resolution worldwide.


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