Construction Insights

COVID-19 (coronavirus): delay and disruption in the construction industry


To prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, as of 13th March 2020, the Swiss Federal Council and the Cantons took various measures which have already had a direct and severe impact on the construction industry and will probably continue to have an impact, irrespective of the gradual easement in and outside of Switzerland, such as disruptions in supply chains, suspensions of production and manufacturing, quarantine measures, travel and import restrictions, temporary closure of construction sites, or compliance requirements with the recommendations issued by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) relating to hygiene and social distancing.

Ultimately, these consequences and implications will have to be borne by one of the contracting parties. It is therefore critical that the party which could be held liable for delays and disruption as well as the associated damages take the necessary precautions to protect its interests.


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