Andrea Dorjee-Good war Referentin am diesjährigen Schweizerischen Erbrechtstag in Luzern zum Thema "Das neue internationale Erbrecht der Schweiz".
Christopher Boog spoke at a hybrid event hosted by the Singapore branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in anticipation of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris.
Elliott Geisinger spoke at the Geneva Summit's session on "The Impact of Energy Transition on Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector: Challenges and Opportunities."
Clara Poglia was a speaker at the annual conference organised by the EFCL (European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers) and discussed on how to integrate AI into white-collar crime …
Fabio moderated the legal fireside chat at the Swiss ETP Summit focussing on legal aspects of Exchange Traded Products referencing digital assets.
Anne-Carole Cremades was a speaker at the 2024 Bucharest Arbitration Days, which took place in Bucharest (Romania) on 6-7 June 2024.